Top #10 Restaurants
Erie Canal
Fairport, Pittsford & Bushnell’s Basin
Trisha’s Pick
Mulconry’s Irish Pub
17 Liftbridge Lane E. Fairport (585)678-4516
Best Ice Cream
Moonlight Creamery
36 West Ave Fairport (585)223-0880
Best Pizza
TK’s Pizzeria
27 Liftbridge Lane E. Fairport (585)388-1700
Tacos with a Twist
30 Fairport Village Landing Fairport (585)364-0703
Simply Crepes
7 Schoen Place Pittsford (585)383-8310
Dine along the Canal
Aladdin’s Natural Eatery
8 Schoen Place Pittsford (585)264-9000
The Basin Pub
637 Pittsford Victor Road (Bushnell’s Basin) Pittsford (585)385-1113
Best Ice Cream
Pittsford Farms Dairy
44 N. Main St. Pittsford (585)586-6610
Best Patio
Pane Vino on Monroe
3400 Monroe Ave. Pittsford (585)586-7000
Erie Grill
41 N. Main Street Pittsford (585)419-3032
for more Erie Canal Details
Check-out our Blog Posts:
8/18/22: Where to EAT | Erie Canal
9/1/22: What to SEE | Erie Canal
9/22/22: Where to SHOP | Erie Canal

533 Forest Lawn Road
Webster, NY 14580
Trisha Margarone
instagram: thenestcottage2022