The Nest Cottage-The First Year

We celebrated our One-Year Anniversary in July 2023.
My that year flew bye.

What a wonderful time we had.

We have had lots of rain and the gardens are loving it.

The Hydrangea is especially lovely this year.

Our First Year Highlights:

Summer 2022

-We purchased the cottage.
-We spent the summer months updating the cottage. Making it just what we had envisioned. A comfy nest.
-We painted, wallpapered, purchased furniture, pictures, accessories and special items to make everything just so.
-We decided to list the cottage on Furnished Finders in the hope of sharing it with some Traveling Nurses. Our good eggs!
We wanted to provide a comfortable nest to them as they give up so much to come serve our community.

Fall 2022

We welcomed our 1st Guest-Leila in October. She was an absolute gem!
-Her assignment ended in January, and she flew out of the nest.
-The experience of getting to know her and her family will always stay in our hearts.
What a wonderful beginning.

Winter 2023

-Winter brought our 2nd Guest-Kim.
-She stayed snuggled up at the nest until April.

Spring 2023

-In the Spring, came the thaw and the arrival of a darling pair of nurses.
-Our 3rd Guests-Danielle & Nena brought sunshine to the cottage.
-In the meantime, we decided to list our main house for sale and buy a property clear across the country in Arizona.
-We drove across the country to settle our new home in Queen Creek, Arizona.

Summer 2023

-When we came back, the guests flew-out and we flew-in.
We have been enjoying staying at the cottage this Summer.
-We plan on enjoying it every July and August.
-We’ve enjoyed: the garden, going for walks around the community,

and bike rides on the Hojack Trail.
-We’ve caught up with the neighbors, entertained friends and enjoyed time with our family.
We even bought a used canoe!

-We did a few “projects” from our Honey-Do List.
We voted “Sebastian” as the mascot of The Nest Cottage.
-Sebastian, an Audubon print was a new addition to the Nest brought over from our main home.
-Sebastian hangs in the Laundry Room.

Michael and Austin on their maiden voyage.
Michael and Austin's maiden voyage.

This is “Sebastian” and the new paint color: a moody blue-gray.
Do you see Madi got in the photo?

-We also decided the perky bird print in the banquette area is a tribute to “Poppy”.
-Michael’s Dad, Paul whom our kids called “Poppy” passed in December.
-He was a wonderful dad, dentist, and dancer.
-It just so happens that the bird looks like it’s dancing.
-A wonderful tribute to a wonderful man.

The banquette has been a welcome addition to “The Nest”; it serves as a table, a buffet, a desk, a storage area and a favorite spot for Madi’s naps. The picture of the bird “Poppy” always makes me smile.

Madi snoozing.

What lies ahead….
We are excited to see what guests we will welcome into The Nest Cottage in our Second Year.

Somehow, we still cannot believe that this whole wonderful experience came to us in a dream.
Thank you, Mom for whispering in my ear:
“Your favorite little cottage, on your favorite street is up for sale.”
If you didn’t visit me in my dream that night; this amazing journey would not have happened.
Never stop believing.

in JOY-Trisha

3 thoughts on “The Nest Cottage-The First Year”

  1. What a great blog. Didn’t realize you guys moved out to AZ. Tell Mike we are so sorry to hear about his dad. Enjoy the rest of your summer. Lauri and Don

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